CSS/SCSS — Difference between CSS Variable and SCSS Variable

Example of CSS/SCSS Variable

Suowei Hu
2 min readMay 10, 2023

All of the following when used properly will do the same thing, the different is that “#3” is only valid in SCSS file, it not going to be understand by the browser, you will need to compile the code into CSS before using it.

#1: Plain Value (neither)
.main-header { color: #F06D06; }
.main-footer { background-color: #F06D06; }
#2: CSS Variable
:root {--main-color: #F06D06;}
.main-header { color: var(--main-color); }
.main-footer { background-color: var(--main-color); }
#3: SCSS Variable
# / Preprocessor Variable
$brandColor: #F06D06;
.main-header { color: $brandColor; }
.main-footer { background-color: $brandColor; }

From the first glance it seems both “CSS Variable” and “Preprocessor Variable” will do the same thing, that is to make the code more readable and maintainable by storing the plan colour coding into a variable. But ……

CSS Variable --var (ALWAYS USE THIS)

:root        {--main-color: #F06D06;}
.main-header { color: var(--main-color); }
.main-footer { background-color: var(--main-color); }


  • They work without the need of preprocessor (rendering from SCSS to CSS)
  • They cascade the variable can override when you set them insider a child selector
  • You can change the css variable via Javascript
  • The browser repaints as needed on the value change (@media / or other state such as hover)


  • CSS variables are a quite recent addition to the CSS standard (The last call working draft seams to be from 2014).

SCSS Variable $var

$brandColor: #F06D06;
.main-header { color: $brandColor; }
.main-footer { background-color: $brandColor; }


  • Converted into CSS at compile time
  • You cannot change sass variable with javascript via Javascript (you cannot change then on runtime, because it is already compiled into values)


  • Historically SCSS is a fairly old technique. Actually it dates back to as far as 2007. It was invented by the motivation that CSS lacks certain features amongst which are variables (and nesting and loops and mix-ins etc.).



Suowei Hu
Suowei Hu

Written by Suowei Hu

Drupal Developer, createing impactful solutions. | Student at Australian National University, an enthusiastic learner. | Github: https://github.com/SuoweiHu

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